Our mission is...to fight the dragon?

We take our work very seriously, but we also have a sense of humorwink Are our customers fighting the dragon? Doubtful, but they often face such adversities as poor quality stretch film, too much waste, inefficient film, inability to order a dedicated color, lack of support in product selection and much, much more.

Our mission is

Our mission is to match and offer the best stretch film for a particular company. This means that the best product for company A, may be a completely different stretch film than for company B. We are aware that stretch film is one of the many products that a company must purchase, and not necessarily the most important for its functioning. The choice often falls on the cheapest film or, conversely, on the most expensive one, because that will be the best – such decisions are associated with a general lack of time to analyze “second-need” products and a lack of support from companies offering stretch film in their sales.